Photonic molecule quantum optics

Kun Liao, Xiaoyong Hu*, Tianyi Gan, Qihang Liu, Zhenlin Wu, Chongxiao Fan, Xilin Feng, Cuicui Lu, Yong Chun Liu, Qihuang Gong

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42 Citations (Scopus)


Photoni moleules (PMs) are artifiial nanosale photoni strutures that play important roles in the fundamental optis field. PM quantum optis has reently beome a promising researh field, beause it provides novel quantum optial phenomena inluding Rabi osillation, the Stark effet, the Purell effet, the photon blokade effet, bound states in the ontinuum, eletromagnetially indued transpareny, and Autler–Townes splitting. With the onstant improvements in theoretial PM quantum optis researh, many newly integrated photoni devies have been proposed and experimentally demonstrated, showing major potential for fabriation of next-generation, high-performane integrated photoni hips. This review provides a universal overview of the rapidly developing PM quantum optis field, inluding fundamental meha-nisms, realization frameworks, novel quantum optial phenomena, and appliations in newly developed photoni devies while also giving a general summary of the remaining hallenges and proposing possible development diretions for PM quantum optis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)60-134
Number of pages75
JournalAdvances in Optics and Photonics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2020


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