Performance analysis for range expansion in heterogeneous networks

Ze Song Fei, Hai Chuan Ding, Cheng Wen Xing, Ji Qing Ni, Jing Ming Kuang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

11 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper, the uplink and downlink performance of a two-tier heterogeneous network (HetNet) with range expansion (RE) is analyzed. Different from previous works, base stations (BSs) are modeled as a spatial Poisson point process. This model can not only capture the irregularity of the BS deployment but also lead to closed form expressions. With the analytical results, the impacts of several key parameters on the coverage and throughput performance are investigated. Our results justifies the effectiveness of RE and Pico deployment. Based on our analyses, certain attention should be made on the RE design to balance the uplink and downlink performance. Our analyses are corroborated by simulations and can thus serve as a flexible and quick guidance for system design without complicated and time-consuming system-level platform construction and simulation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-10
Number of pages10
JournalScience China Information Sciences
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2014


  • HetNet
  • Poisson point process
  • outage probability
  • range expansion
  • throughput


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Fei, Z. S., Ding, H. C., Xing, C. W., Ni, J. Q., & Kuang, J. M. (2014). Performance analysis for range expansion in heterogeneous networks. Science China Information Sciences, 57(8), 1-10.