Passive acoustic localization based on MEMS microphone arrays

Dai Ximing*, Lou Wenzhong, Guo Mingru, Wang Fufu, Jin Xin

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In this paper we used the MEMS microphone to detect the sound position. A four-microphone array was constructed to localize sound source with Time Difference of Arrival (TDoA) measurements based on hyperbola model. The time delay was calculated using Generalized Cross Correlation (GCC) algorithm. A practical test system was built to confirm the feasibility of the hyperbola model and GCC algorithm using MEMS microphone. Data were collected in field experiments and calculated on PC by matlab. The results show that the method instructed in this paper is feasible in localizing the sound position with MEMS microphone.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)517-521
Number of pages5
JournalKey Engineering Materials
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2015


  • GCC
  • MEMS microphone
  • Passive acoustic localization
  • TDOA


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