Partial relaxation of C0 vertex continuity of stresses of conforming mixed finite elements for the elasticity problem

Jun Hu, Rui Ma*

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3 Citations (Scopus)


A conforming triangular mixed element recently proposed by Hu and Zhang for linear elasticity is extended by rearranging the global degrees of freedom. More precisely, adaptive meshes T1,..., TN which are successively refined from an initial mesh T0 through a newest vertex bisection strategy, admit a crucial hierarchical structure, namely, a newly added vertex xe of the mesh T is the midpoint of an edge e of the coarse mesh Tℓ−1. Such a hierarchical structure is explored to partially relax the C0 vertex continuity of symmetric matrix-valued functions in the discrete stress space of the original element on T and results in an extended discrete stress space: for such an internal vertex xe located at the coarse edge e with the unit tangential vector te and the unit normal vector ne = t⊥e, the pure tangential component basis function φxe(x)tetTe of the original discrete stress space associated to vertex xe is split into two basis functions φ+xe(x)tetTe and φxe(x)tetTe along edge e, where φxe(x) is the nodal basis function of the scalar-valued Lagrange element of order k (k is equal to the polynomial degree of the discrete stress) on T with φ+xe(x) and φxe(x) denoted its two restrictions on two sides of e, respectively. Since the remaining two basis functions φxe(x)nenTe, φxe(x)(netTe + tenTe) are the same as those associated to xe of the original discrete stress space, the number of the global basis functions associated to xe of the extended discrete stress space becomes four rather than three (for the original discrete stress space). As a result, though the extended discrete stress space on T is still a H(div) subspace, the pure tangential component along the coarse edge e of discrete stresses in it is not necessarily continuous at such vertices like xe. A feature of this extended discrete stress space is its nestedness in the sense that a space on a coarse mesh T is a subspace of a space on any refinement T of T, which allows a proof of convergence of a standard adaptive algorithm. The idea is extended to impose a general traction boundary condition on the discrete level. Numerical experiments are provided to illustrate performance on both uniform and adaptive meshes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)89-108
Number of pages20
JournalComputational Methods in Applied Mathematics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Adaptive Algorithm
  • Linear Elasticity
  • Nested Mixed Finite Element


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