Parameterization of classical nonpolarizable force field for hydroxide toward the large-scale molecular dynamics simulation of cellulose in pre-cooled alkali/urea aqueous solution

Yu Chen, Xiaotong Fu, Shuxian Yu, Kun Quan, Changjun Zhao, Ziqiang Shao, Dongdong Ye*, Haisong Qi, Pan Chen*

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5 Citations (Scopus)


The empirical force fields (FFs) based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulation studying the dissolution mechanism of cellulose in cold alkali solution suffers the lacking of reliable classical FFs for hydroxide. By a simple adjustment, we transferred one available polarizable force field (FF) of hydroxide into a nonpolarizable one and combined it with GORMOS FF. Simulation based on these parameters provided accurate hydration spheres and solution structure of hydroxide that is comparable to the polarizable one, providing an opportunity for the large-scale MD simulation of the long cellulose chain in alkali/urea system for the study of dissolution and regeneration as well as mercerization process.

Original languageEnglish
Article number51477
JournalJournal of Applied Polymer Science
Issue number48
Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2021


  • cellulose and other wood products
  • polysaccharides
  • structure-property relationships
  • theory and modeling


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Chen, Y., Fu, X., Yu, S., Quan, K., Zhao, C., Shao, Z., Ye, D., Qi, H., & Chen, P. (2021). Parameterization of classical nonpolarizable force field for hydroxide toward the large-scale molecular dynamics simulation of cellulose in pre-cooled alkali/urea aqueous solution. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 138(48), Article 51477.