Paced breathing and respiratory movement responses evoked by bidirectional constant current stimulation in anesthetized rabbits

Xiaoyu Gu, Zixuan Guo, Maolin Cai, Yan Shi*, Shoukun Wang, Fei Xie*

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Objective: Diaphragm pacing (DP) is a long-term and effective respiratory assist therapy for patients with central alveolar hypoventilation and high cervical spinal cord injury. The existing DP system has some limitations, especially high price, inconvenience preoperative evaluation methods and diaphragm fatigue easily. Our objective was to develop a DP system and evaluated reliability through hardware testing and animal experiments. Methods: A DP system with bidirectional constant current was designed, manufactured and tested. Effects of a wide range of stimulus amplitudes (range:.5–2.5 mA) and frequencies (range: 10–250 Hz) on airflow and corresponding inspired volume were investigated during DP. Differences in airflow characteristics under various stimulation parameters were evaluated using power function. ECG interference in diaphragm electromyography (EMGdi) was filtered out using stationary wavelet transform to obtain pure EMGdi (EMGdip). 80-min period with a tendency for diaphragm fatigue by root mean square (RMS) and centroid frequency (fc) of EMGdip was studied. Results: The increase of stimulus frequency and amplitude in animals resulted in different degrees of increase in envoked volume. Significant difference in Airflow Index (b) between anesthesia and DP provided a simple, non-invasive and feasible solution for phrenic nerve conduction function test. Increased stimulation duration with the developed DP system caused less diaphragm fatigue. Conclusion: A modular, inexpensive and reliable DP was successfully developed. Its effectiveness was confirmed in animal experiments. Significance: This study is useful for design of future implantable diaphragmatic pacemakers for improving diaphragm fatigue and convenient assessment of respiratory activity in experiments.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1109892
JournalFrontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jan 2023


  • airflow
  • airflow index
  • centroid frequency of diaphragm electromyography
  • diaphragm fatigue
  • diaphragm pacing


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Gu, X., Guo, Z., Cai, M., Shi, Y., Wang, S., & Xie, F. (2023). Paced breathing and respiratory movement responses evoked by bidirectional constant current stimulation in anesthetized rabbits. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, Article 1109892.