Oxidative detoxification of nerve agent VX simulant by polyoxoniobate: Experimental and theoretical insights

Jing Dong, Xiangrong Sun, Ni Zhen, Zhen Li, Dan Liu, Bo Zou, Qipu Dai, Yingnan Chi*, Shi Lu Chen, Josep M. Poblet, Changwen Hu

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


VX is a representative nerve agent and its rapid detoxification relays on the development of catalysts and understanding of the mechanism on an atomic level. Herein, we report that a Lindqvist-type [Nb6O19]8− (Nb6) can effectively catalyze the detoxification of VX simulant, OSDEMP. Within 5 min OSDEMP can be completely converted to the minimally toxic product in the presence of H2O2. Various experimental evidences: (1) negligible conversion of DMNP (an organophosphorus ester without S center); (2) effect of solvent polarity; (3) 18O-labeled experiment confirm that the detoxification of OSDEMP by Nb6 follows an oxidation pathway. Further experimental and theoretical studies (e.g. spectroscopic analysis, control experiments, kinetic studies, and DFT calculations, etc.) reveal that Nb(ƞ1-OOH) hexaniobate is the dominant active species and both the formation of Nb(ƞ1-OOH) hexaniobate species and oxygen transfer process are rate-determining steps. The proposed mechanism can also be applied to the catalytic oxidation of sulfur mustard simulant.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)83-93
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Catalysis
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2021


  • DFT calculation
  • Decontamination mechanism
  • Oxidative detoxification
  • Polyoxoniobate
  • VX


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