Optimization of PEMFC operating parameters considering water management by an integrated method of sensitivity analysis, multi-objective optimization and evaluation

Xuanyu Wang, Zhaojing Ni, Ziqian Yang, Yongzhen Wang*, Kai Han

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Proper water management is necessary for an efficient operation of proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) by avoiding dehydration and flooding. Operating parameters have significant impact on the water management of PEMFC. Therefore, operating parameters considering three water management indexes including highest value of liquid water saturation (sl,high), lowest value of water content (λlow), and current density (i) are quantitatively optimized by a systematical integrated method of sensitivity analysis, multi-objective optimization and evaluation. First of all, a multi-physics model is established to analyze the water characteristics, obtaining sl,high and λlow in PEMFC. Then, one-at-a-time (OAT) analysis identified sensitive operating parameters including back pressure (pout), stack temperature (Tst), anode relative humidity (RHan,in), cathode relative humidity (RHca,in), and oxygen excess ratio (ξc). Finally, three water management indexes are optimized at various voltages via combining with elliptical basis function neural network model, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm, and fuzzy membership degree. The results show that optimal model demonstrates varying degrees of water management improvement compared to the base model, with maximum reductions of 5.4 % in sl,high, maximum increases of 8.1 % in λlow, and maximum increases of 2.4 % in i. Furthermore, the maximum PEMFC efficiency improvement of optimal model is 4.0 %. The ranking of variation of optimal operating parameters with voltage is as follows: Tst, RHca,in, pout, ξc, and RHan,in. As the voltage decreases from 0.65 V to 0.50 V, the optimal operating parameters of Tst = 335.82 K, RHca,in = 92.8, pout = 1.581 bar, ξc = 3.46, and RHan,in = 98.8 changes to Tst = 351.15 K, RHca,in = 73.7, pout = 1.968 bar, ξc = 3.41, and RHan,in = 99.6. The optimal operating parameters applied in performance experiment proves the accuracy of optimization direction. This study obtains optimal operating parameters considering water management at various voltage by proposed integrated method, which increases PEMFC performance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number119057
JournalEnergy Conversion and Management
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2024


  • Integrated method
  • Operating parameters
  • Proton exchange membrane fuel cell
  • Water management


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