On the global interpolation of motion

Shilei Han*, Olivier A. Bauchau

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Citations (Scopus)


Interpolation of motion is required in various fields of engineering such as computer animation and vision, trajectory planning for robotics, optimal control of dynamical systems, or finite element analysis. While interpolation techniques in the Euclidean space are well established, general approaches to interpolation on manifolds remain elusive. Interpolation schemes in the Euclidean space can be recast as minimization problems for weighted distance metrics. This observation allows the straightforward generalization of interpolation in the Euclidean space to interpolation on manifolds, provided that a metric of the manifold is defined. This paper proposes four metrics of the motion manifold: the matrix, quaternion, vector, and geodesic metrics. For each of these metrics, the corresponding interpolation schemes are derived and their advantages and drawbacks are discussed. It is shown that many existing interpolation schemes for rotation and motion can be derived from the minimization framework proposed here. The problems of averaging of rotation and motion can be treated easily within the same framework. Both local and global interpolation problems are addressed. The proposed interpolation framework can be used with any suitable set of basis functions. Examples are presented with Chebyshev spectral, Fourier spectral, and B-spline basis functions. This paper also introduces one additional approach to the interpolation of motion based on the interpolation of its derivatives. While this approach provides high accuracy, the associated computational cost is high and the approach cannot be used in multi-variable interpolation easily.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)352-386
Number of pages35
JournalComputer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2018
Externally publishedYes


  • Finite element method
  • Interpolation
  • Rigid-body motion
  • Rotation
  • Spectral method


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