Observation of Bloch oscillations dominated by effective anyonic particle statistics

Weixuan Zhang, Hao Yuan, Haiteng Wang, Fengxiao Di, Na Sun, Xingen Zheng, Houjun Sun, Xiangdong Zhang*

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28 Citations (Scopus)


Bloch oscillations are exotic phenomena describing the periodic motion of a wave packet subjected to an external force in a lattice, where a system possessing single or multiple particles could exhibit distinct oscillation behaviors. In particular, it has been pointed out that quantum statistics could dramatically affect the Bloch oscillation even in the absence of particle interactions, where the oscillation frequency of two pseudofermions with an anyonic statistical angle of π becomes half of that for two bosons. However, these statistically dependent Bloch oscillations have never been observed in experiments until now. Here, we report the experimental simulation of anyonic Bloch oscillations using electric circuits. By mapping the eigenstates of two anyons to the modes of the designed circuit simulators, the Bloch oscillations of two bosons and two pseudofermions are verified by measuring the voltage dynamics. The oscillation period in the two-boson simulator is almost twice of that in the two-pseudofermion simulator, that is consistent with the theoretical prediction. Our proposal provides a flexible platform to investigate and visualize many interesting phenomena related to particle statistics and could have potential applications in the field of the signal control.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2392
JournalNature Communications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


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