Numerical study on interaction between bubble and structure near free surface in underwater explosion

Jian Li, Li Pan, Xian Kun Lin*, Ji Li Rong, Da Lin Xiang

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Considering the complex phenomenon of the interaction between bubble and structure near free surface in underwater explosion, a volume-acceleration model was introduced to determine the initial condition of bubbles. Subroutines defining the initial value and boundary conditions of fluid field were developed by using MSC. DYTRAN finite element analysis software. The dynamic behaviors of bubbles near free surface and structure, including the jet of bubbles and dome of free surface were simulated and analyzed. The computational results of the behaviors of bubbles were compared with the experimental results.. The interactions between bubble and structure were studied systematically and summarized. The results show that the dynamic behaviors of bubbles have close relation to the distance parameter and initial angle of structure. The study is of referential value to relevant theoretical research and engineering calculation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-18
Number of pages6
JournalZhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 28 Sept 2015


  • Bubble pulse
  • Jet
  • Near free surface
  • Near rigid wall
  • Underwater explosion


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Li, J., Pan, L., Lin, X. K., Rong, J. L., & Xiang, D. L. (2015). Numerical study on interaction between bubble and structure near free surface in underwater explosion. Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock, 34(18), 13-18.