Numerical simulation of subsonic and transonic water entry with compressibility effect considered

Qin Wu, Kai Wang, Decai Kong, Jiayue Zhang, Taotao Liu*

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10 Citations (Scopus)


The purpose of this study is to analyze the subsonic and transonic water entry of the axisymmetric body with compressibility effect considered. The water-entry processes of axisymmetric body are numerically investigated, with Tait state equation and energy equation used to describe the compressibility of the liquid. Reasonable agreement has been obtained between the numerical results and the experimental measurements of trajectory, velocity and acceleration. The cavity evolution and dynamic characteristics of subsonic cases are investigated for vertical and oblique water-entry. The results show that the maximum drag coefficient of the oblique water entry is lower, and it is affected by a large moment which causes pitch angle and trajectory inclination angle to change significantly. In the oblique transonic conditions, the effect of compressibility of the liquid on the dynamic flow characteristics is analyzed. On this basis, the influence of entry angle on the hydrodynamic characteristics is investigated. It is concluded that the water-entry angle has a more significant influence on the trajectory characteristics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number114984
JournalOcean Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2023


  • Cavity
  • Compressibility
  • Subsonic
  • Transonic
  • Water entry


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