Numerical simulation of metal platform influence on spark discharge electromagnetic radiation field

Xinming Qian, Wenlei Sun, Ping Huang

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


A spark discharge experiment was designed to test the breakdown voltage and calculate corresponding discharge energy, which also provided basis on researching electromagnetic radiation features of spark discharge and metal platform influence on it. According to the simulation software - FEKO, physical models with and without metal platform were founded and different radiation patterns were simulated under a range of frequencies. The radiation pattern of model without metal platform is similar with dipole model, comparing with that, the pattern of model with metal platform is mainly on the upper side of metal platform when frequency is getting higher. The band around 700 MHz was considered to be hazardous, and easy to induce radio frequency current and secondary spark discharge in other radio receivers, while metal platform can enhance this effect.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Event3rd International Symposium on Test Automation and Instrumentation, ISTAI 2010 - Xiamen, China
Duration: 22 May 201025 May 2010


Conference3rd International Symposium on Test Automation and Instrumentation, ISTAI 2010


  • Electromagnetic interference
  • Pattern
  • Radiation field
  • Spark discharge


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