Numerical Simulation of Kinetic Kill Vehicle Impacting Biological Submunition Payloads

Yang Zan, Yuan Feng Zheng, Zhen Yang Liu, Yi Qiang Cai, Hai Fu Wang, Huan Guo Guo

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Damage behavior of biological submunition payloads directly impacted by Kinetic Kill Vehicle (KKV) is studied by numerical simulation based on Autodyn-3D software. Target characteristics and structure equivalent model of the biological submunition payload and KKV are analyzed and obtained. Three factors including hit-point position, strike angle and KKV's diameter are chosen to study the damage behavior. Three types of damage behaviors of biological submunitions, including deformation, partial disintegration and completely disintegration occur in simulation. As for influencing factors, hit-point position has little influence on damage effect when hit-point is not at either ends. While number of damaged submunitions firstly increases and then decreases with increasing of strike angle when hit-point is near the center of the submunition payload. For the given KKV, number of damaged submunitions increases significantly at the strike angle of 60° compared with the vertical impact. With increasing of the KKV's diameter, number of completely disintegrated submunitions increases dramatically and the damage degree and deformation range of the payload skin gradually increases. Research in this paper could provide useful references for the optimization structural of KKV, selection of terminal encounter condition, and assessment of kinetic midcourse anti-missile interception.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012010
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 28 Apr 2021
Event5th International Conference on Mechanical, Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, ICMAA 2021 - Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 26 Feb 202128 Feb 2021


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Zan, Y., Zheng, Y. F., Liu, Z. Y., Cai, Y. Q., Wang, H. F., & Guo, H. G. (2021). Numerical Simulation of Kinetic Kill Vehicle Impacting Biological Submunition Payloads. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1888(1), Article 012010.