Numerical Simulation of High Performance Shaped Charge for Concrete Targets

Jianwei Jiang*, Liying Wang, Jianbing Men, Lizhen Wan

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Tandem warhead systems consist of a precursor shaped charge and a following kinetic energy projectile containing a high explosively filling. This paper presents numerical simulations to analyze the penetration process of shaped charge to penetrate concrete targets by using AUTODYN software. Shaped charge is consist of the different materials, different standoff, different liner curvature and thickness. Ideal parameters for liner with good aperture and depth are acquired, the simulation results are in agreement with the test.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2003
EventProceedings of the 2003 International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics (2003 IASPEP) - Theory and Practice of Energetic Materials - Guilin, China
Duration: 15 Oct 200318 Oct 2003


ConferenceProceedings of the 2003 International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics (2003 IASPEP) - Theory and Practice of Energetic Materials


  • Concrete
  • Shaped charge jets
  • Simulation
  • Tandem warhead


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Jiang, J., Wang, L., Men, J., & Wan, L. (2003). Numerical Simulation of High Performance Shaped Charge for Concrete Targets. 776-779. Paper presented at Proceedings of the 2003 International Autumn Seminar on Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics (2003 IASPEP) - Theory and Practice of Energetic Materials, Guilin, China.