Nonlinear hybrid piezoelectric and electromagnetic energy harvesting driven by colored excitation

Xiaoya Zhou, Shiqiao Gao*, Haipeng Liu, Lei Jin

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11 Citations (Scopus)


It is well known that when excited by a stochastic base acceleration, the power absorbed by a nonlinear Duffing-type piezoelectric (PE) or electromagnetic (EM) energy harvester might not be increased effectively compared to a linear one. When intentionally introducing nonlinear magnetic forces into a doubly-clamped hybrid PE and EM energy harvester subjected to narrow-band (colored) excitation however, the power output could be improved to a much higher value. Also, in comparison with the typical nonlinear PE or EM generator, the influence of load and excitation parameters on the performance of a nonlinear hybrid energy harvester under colored excitation has been proven rather different as well. These results are derived analytically by solving the Fokker-Planck (FP) equation, and numerically by Monte Carlo (MC) simulations for validation. Besides, for a nonlinear hybrid configuration excited by colored noise approaching white Gaussian excitation, theoretical output characteristics are discussed and compared with results from a reported theory for white Gaussian excited case, which again verifies the feasibility of the theoretical analysis.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberen11030498
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 25 Feb 2018


  • Colored excitation
  • Hybrid energy harvester
  • Nonlinearity
  • Output characteristics


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Zhou, X., Gao, S., Liu, H., & Jin, L. (2018). Nonlinear hybrid piezoelectric and electromagnetic energy harvesting driven by colored excitation. Energies, 11(3), Article en11030498.