Non-slipping JKR model for transversely isotropic materials

S. Chen*, C. Yan, A. Soh

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10 Citations (Scopus)


A generalized plane strain JKR model is established for non-slipping adhesive contact between an elastic transversely isotropic cylinder and a dissimilar elastic transversely isotropic half plane, in which a pulling force acts on the cylinder with the pulling direction at an angle inclined to the contact interface. Full-coupled solutions are obtained through the Griffith energy balance between elastic and surface energies. The analysis shows that, for a special case, i.e., the direction of pulling normal to the contact interface, the full-coupled solution can be approximated by a non-oscillatory one, in which the critical pull-off force, pull-off contact half-width and adhesion strength can be expressed explicitly. For the other cases, i.e., the direction of pulling inclined to the contact interface, tangential tractions have significant effects on the pull-off process, it should be described by an exact full-coupled solution. The elastic anisotropy leads to an orientation-dependent pull-off force and adhesion strength. This study could not only supply an exact solution to the generalized JKR model of transversely isotropic materials, but also suggest a reversible adhesion sensor designed by transversely isotropic materials, such as PZT or fiber-reinforced materials with parallel fibers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)676-687
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Solids and Structures
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2008
Externally publishedYes


  • Adhesion
  • Adhesive contact
  • JKR model
  • Transversely isotropic material


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Chen, S., Yan, C., & Soh, A. (2008). Non-slipping JKR model for transversely isotropic materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45(2), 676-687.