Nickel-promoted Electrocatalytic Graphitization of Biochars for Energy Storage: Mechanistic Understanding using Multi-scale Approaches

Shijie Li, Xue Han, Wei Li Song*, Zhe Wang, Yan li Zhu*, Shuqiang Jiao*

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16 Citations (Scopus)


Owing to high-efficiency and scalable advantages of electrolysis in molten salts, electrochemical conversion of carbonaceous resources into graphitic products is a sustainable route for achieving high value-added carbon. To understand the complicated kinetics of converting amorphous carbon (e.g. carbonized lignin-biochar) into highly graphitic carbon, herein this study reports the key processing parameters (addition of Ni, temperature and time) and multi-scale approach of nickel-boosted electrochemical graphitization-catalysis processes in molten calcium chloride. Upon both experiments and modellings, multi-scale analysis that ranges from nanoscale atomic reaction to macroscale cell reveal the multi-field evolution in the electrolysis cell, mechanism of electrochemical reaction kinetics as well as pathway of nickel-boosted graphitization and tubulization. The results of as-achieved controllable processing regions and multi-scale approaches provide a rational strategy of manipulating electrochemical graphitization processes and utilizing the converted biomass resources for high value-added use.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere202301985
JournalAngewandte Chemie - International Edition
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 22 May 2023


  • Electrochemical Conversion
  • Electrolysis
  • Molten Salt
  • Multi-Scale Approach
  • Potassium-Ion Batteries


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