MXene enhanced self-powered alternating current electroluminescence devices for patterned flexible displays

Junlu Sun, Yu Chang, Lin Dong*, Kuikui Zhang, Qilin Hua, Jinhao Zang, Qiushuo Chen, Yuanyuan Shang, Caofeng Pan, Chongxin Shan

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56 Citations (Scopus)


Patterned displays with self-powered features have been crucial for event-driven information communication and exchange in the Internet of things (IoT) applications. Here, we present a MXene enhanced alternating current electroluminescence (ACEL) device array integrated with the triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) as the self-powered patterned display. The ACEL device is intrinsically transparent and stretchable. And its emission intensity can be enhanced by 500% through filling 0.25 wt% MXene in the polymer matrix of emission layer, in accordance with the finite element analysis simulation of the electric field strength with various MXene loading. Finally, a patterned ACEL device is constructed and powered with a simple TENG for patterned display. This self-powered patterned ACEL display has considerable potential for applications of human-healthcare monitoring, information-security communication, and human-machine interface in IoT.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106077
JournalNano Energy
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • ACEL
  • MXene
  • Patterned display
  • Self-powered


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Sun, J., Chang, Y., Dong, L., Zhang, K., Hua, Q., Zang, J., Chen, Q., Shang, Y., Pan, C., & Shan, C. (2021). MXene enhanced self-powered alternating current electroluminescence devices for patterned flexible displays. Nano Energy, 86, Article 106077.