Multiaxial high cycle fatigue model for 38CrSi

Guojun Wang*, Qingdong Yan, Shouwen Yao

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Fatigue test was made under multiaxial conditions. Fatigue life of the 38CrSi was calculated under test conditions through each fatigue multiaxial high cycle fatigue model. It is found that the amplitude of shear stress is the key factor to control the fatigue life. Von Mises model decreases the amplitude of shear stress under some non-proportional load. Sines model and Von Mises model are the same under symmetry load. McDiramid is the most suitable model for 38CrSi and can be taken as the design model for shafts made of it in the transmission of military vehicle.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)227-230
Number of pages4
JournalCailiao Yanjiu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Materials Research
Issue numberSUPPL.
Publication statusPublished - May 2007


  • 38CrSi
  • Axle
  • Foundational discipline in materials science
  • Military vehicle
  • Multiaxial high cycle fatigue


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Wang, G., Yan, Q., & Yao, S. (2007). Multiaxial high cycle fatigue model for 38CrSi. Cailiao Yanjiu Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Materials Research, 21(SUPPL.), 227-230.