Morphology control of zinc regeneration for zinc-air fuel cell and battery

Keliang Wang, Pucheng Pei*, Ze Ma, Huachi Xu, Pengcheng Li, Xizhong Wang

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107 Citations (Scopus)


Morphology control is crucial both for zinc-air batteries and for zinc-air fuel cells during zinc regeneration. Zinc dendrite should be avoided in zinc-air batteries and zinc pellets are yearned to be formed for zinc-air fuel cells. This paper is mainly to analyze the mechanism of shape change and to control the zinc morphology during charge. A numerical three-dimensional model for zinc regeneration is established with COMSOL software on the basis of ionic transport theory and electrode reaction electrochemistry, and some experiments of zinc regeneration are carried out. The deposition process is qualitatively analyzed by the kinetics Monte Carlo method to study the morphological change from the electrocrystallization point of view. Morphological evolution of deposited zinc under different conditions of direct currents and pulse currents is also investigated by simulation. The simulation shows that parametric variables of the flowing electrolyte, the surface roughness and the structure of the electrode, the charging current and mode affect morphological evolution. The uniform morphology of deposited zinc is attained at low current, pulsating current or hydrodynamic electrolyte, and granular morphology is obtained by means of an electrode of discrete columnar structure in combination with high current and flowing electrolyte.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)65-75
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Power Sources
Publication statusPublished - 19 Aug 2014
Externally publishedYes


  • Morphology control
  • Simulating methods
  • Zinc regeneration
  • Zinc-air fuel cell/battery


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