Monotonic tensile and cyclic deformation of a Ni-based single crystal superalloy with anisotropic microstructural rafting patterns at high temperature: Experiment and constitutive modelling

Y. S. Fan*, L. Tan, X. G. Yang, W. Q. Huang, D. Q. Shi

*Corresponding author for this work

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6 Citations (Scopus)


Monotonic tensile and cyclic deformation behaviours are investigated under different microstructural rafting states of a SC Ni-based superalloy, with emphasis on the influences of the rafting extent, type and loading orientation. The deformed microstructures and the dislocation configurations are characterized to give a micro-based understanding on the varying of deformation behaviours due to rafting. It is found that the decreases in the initial yield point and cyclic stress amplitude are only related to the rafting extent. Nevertheless, the rafting type (namely, the plate-like and needle-like morphology) has an undeniable contribution to the shape of hysteresis loops, where the plate-like rafting morphology results in more significant Bauschinger effect than needle-like rafting morphology. The variation of monotonic and cyclic deformation induced by rafting shares affinity with the alteration of internal stress and the movement of dislocations. Afterwards, a microstructure-sensitive constitutive model with two-phase flow rules has been developed. The effect of rafting on the monotonic and cyclic stress-strain responses is captured by introduce a series of microscopic mechanisms and a micromechanics-based back stress model that considers the morphology and size of the γ'/γ two-phase structures. The developed model is used to simulate the macroscopic stress-strain responses of the SC Ni-based superalloy under different rafting states. Model predictions are in good agreement with tests, capturing the reduction of cyclic stress amplitudes and the change in hysteresis loops. Finally, the impacts of the two-phase flow rules and the micromechanics-based back stress on the simulation capability have been discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104031
JournalInternational Journal of Plasticity
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2024


  • Constitutive modelling
  • Cyclic deformation
  • Micromechanics-based back stress
  • Rafting
  • Single crystal Ni-based superalloys


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