Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal de-icing on a flat surface

Qiangqiang Sun, Yong Zhao, Kwing So Choi, Xuerui Mao*

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19 Citations (Scopus)


The accumulation of ice has adverse effects on human activities but the dynamic mechanism of icing and de-icing has not been well clarified. Herein, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and the analysis methods of the hydrogen bond and the tetrahedral order parameter are used for the first time to investigate the underpinning physics and visualize the thermal de-icing process on a flat wall from the molecular level. The effects of ice thickness (H), wall temperature (Tw) and wettability on the thermal de-icing process are examined. The results indicate that the ice starts to melt from its mantle and then proceeds inwards. The energy consumption of thermal de-icing can be modelled as a bilinear function of Tw and H. The melting time is almost bilinear with respect to H and 1/(Tw-273.15K), and converges to a constant value at Tw⩾313.15K. When adopting a hydrophobic surface, which is generally considered as icephobic and prevents the ice accretion, more time and almost constant energy are required to melt the ice. By revealing thermal de-icing processes on a hot surface at the molecule level, this work offers guidance for the development of de-icing techniques and devices applied extensively in engineering applications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number116701
JournalApplied Thermal Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 5 May 2021


  • Hexagonal ice
  • Hydrogen bond
  • Molecular dynamics simulation
  • Tetrahedral order parameter
  • Thermal de-icing


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Sun, Q., Zhao, Y., Choi, K. S., & Mao, X. (2021). Molecular dynamics simulation of thermal de-icing on a flat surface. Applied Thermal Engineering, 189, Article 116701.