Modelization and analysis of dynamic heterogeneous redundant system

Wei Wang, Guangsong Li, Keke Gai*, Yazhe Tang, Benchao Yang, Xueming Si

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


With the development and popularization of Internet technology, network security has become the focus of attention. Vulnerabilities and back doors are regarded as two of the main reasons of network security problems. Dynamic heterogeneous redundant (DHR) architecture is a typical framework of cyberspace mimic defense. It can make use of untrusted hardware and software components to construct a high reliable and high security information system. In this article, a mathematical model is set up for the DHR architecture, and the system security is characterized by vulnerability consistency rate and success rate of system attack. The antiattack ability of the DHR system is analyzed using the mathematical model.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere6035
JournalConcurrency Computation Practice and Experience
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 30 May 2022


  • active defense
  • backdoors
  • heterogeneous redundancy
  • mimic defense
  • vulnerability


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Wang, W., Li, G., Gai, K., Tang, Y., Yang, B., & Si, X. (2022). Modelization and analysis of dynamic heterogeneous redundant system. Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience, 34(12), Article e6035.