Minimum cost consensus model with altruistic preference

Yingying Liang*, Yanbing Ju, Yan Tu, Witold Pedrycz, Luis Martínez

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    16 Citations (Scopus)


    The minimum cost consensus model (MCCM) aims at reaching group consensus for either conflict or polarized opinions evaluated in group decision making. Decision makers (DMs) consider both their own and other interests in real-world minimum cost consensus problems, exhibiting the altruistic preference behavior. To quantify the behavior, we define a satisfaction degree function to reflect the interaction among DMs. On this basis, the MCCM with altruistic preference (MCCM-AP) is built, in which a novel consensus measurement for concentrated or scattered opinions is introduced. Furthermore, the MCCM-AP based satisfaction improvement model is established. Finally, an illustrative example and a practical case study are carried out to illustrate the performance of the proposed models, together with sensitivity and comparative analyses are conducted to explore the impact of altruistic preference and discuss the merits of our proposal. The findings indicate that total adjustment cost is nonincreasing with the increase of altruistic preference degree, which provides the decision support for managers to handle the altruistic preference behavior and reduce the consensus cost.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number109229
    JournalComputers and Industrial Engineering
    Publication statusPublished - May 2023


    • Altruistic preference
    • Consensus measurement
    • Group decision making
    • Minimum cost consensus model
    • Satisfaction degree function


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