Microstructure evolution of Mg-Zn-Zr magnesium alloy against soft steel core projectile

Abdul Malik, Yangwei Wang*, Cheng Huanwu, Faisal Nazeer, Muhammad Abubaker Khan

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33 Citations (Scopus)


The study aimed to shed light on the post deformation and damage behavior of an extruded Mg-Zn-Zr alloy under a ballistic impact. The results revealed that the initial microstructure consisted of both 0001 basal and 101̄0 prismatic fiber texture. After impact, adiabatic shear bands, pronounce different twinning in big grains, <a>, <c>, and <c+a> types of dislocations, and grain refinement through twinning induce recrystallization accommodated the strain, and absorbed ∼65.7 % of the energy during impact carried by a soft steel projectile. Interestingly, the deformation behavior at the top broad sides of the crater was entirely different. The weak basal texture was changed to a strong prismatic texture, which was further proved by typical sigmoidal compressive stress-strain curves. A revised model for the development of the ultra-fine grains adjacent to the crater has been proposed. The microhardness and yield strength was ∼33 % and ∼40 % higher and chiefly ascribed to strain hardening in ultra-fine grained near the surface of the perforation path. The exit of the perforation path was severely damaged and forms onion-shaped concentric rings which were comprised of melted zones, dimples, and cracks. Based on the all interesting findings, this study can be a clue for the development of the lightweight Mg alloy for military and aerospace applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)46-61
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Materials Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jul 2021


  • Ballistic impact
  • CDRX
  • Mg alloy
  • Soft steel core
  • Texture
  • Twin induce rotational dynamic recrystallization


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