Mechanism analysis and consequences evaluation of CO2 BLEVE

Yi Zhou, Zhen Yi Liu*, Xin Ming Qian

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In order to study the critical excitation condition and possible consequences from BLEVE accidents of CO2, the physical properties of CO2 and classical theoretical models were analyzed and a case study was illustrated. It was found that CO2 is a special non-flammable fluid when the conditions exceed its critical value of temperature 304.25 K and pressure 7.38 MPa. The mechanism of CO2 BLEVE can be explained well by Reid's superheat limit temperature (SLT) theory and the experimental SLT temperature is 270 K (2.9 MPa). For a 40 L steel bottle containing more than 95% liquid CO2, the overpressure could be 44 MPa at 1 m far from the explosion center and the initial velocity of the fragment could be 108.8 m/s. Large scale tests and laboratory experiments are needed and more accurate theoretical and CFD models are also necessary for continuous deep research work.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)84-88+103
JournalDongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University
Issue numberSUPPL.1
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2013


  • BLEVE(boiling liquid expanding vapor explosion)
  • CO
  • Missile
  • Overpressure
  • Superheat limit temperature(SLT) theory


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Zhou, Y., Liu, Z. Y., & Qian, X. M. (2013). Mechanism analysis and consequences evaluation of CO2 BLEVE. Dongbei Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northeastern University, 34(SUPPL.1), 84-88+103.