Machine learning-based prediction for time series damage evolution of Ni-based superalloy microstructures

Dong wei Li, Jin xiang Liu, Wei qing Huang*, Zheng xing Zuo, Yi Shi, Wen jun Bai

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1 Citation (Scopus)


The Directionally Solidified (DS) superalloy DZ125 developed time-series related microstructure damage with serve time. The conventional grey prediction model (GM (1,1)), the fractional order accumulation grey prediction model (FAGM (1,1)), and the long short-term memory (LSTM) neural network prediction model were used to forecast the values of the time-related damage variables. The damage variables of the superalloy microstructure evolution were obtained through experimental observations of the evolution characteristics of the γ' precipitates and γ matrix. The microstructure damage variables were predicted by three machine learning models, and the fatigue damage evolution mechanism of the superalloy was analyzed. It was found that the root mean square error of the three prediction models was 0.072, 0.001, and 0.008, respectively. Finally, a model to predict fatigue life was established based on the Chaboche fatigue damage theory, and the fatigue life was obtained using the damage variables predicted by machine learning. The results revealed that the fractional order cumulative grey model and the long short-term memory neural network prediction model were both more accurate, with the conventional grey model being better for exponentially small sample time series data.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104533
JournalMaterials Today Communications
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


  • DZ125 superalloy
  • Fatigue life prediction
  • Grey theory
  • Long short-term memory neural network
  • Microstructure damage evolution


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Li, D. W., Liu, J. X., Huang, W. Q., Zuo, Z. X., Shi, Y., & Bai, W. J. (2022). Machine learning-based prediction for time series damage evolution of Ni-based superalloy microstructures. Materials Today Communications, 33, Article 104533.