Low-Loss Broadband Transverse Electric Pass Hybrid Plasmonic Fiber Polarizers Using Metallic Nanomaterials

Xinyue Wang*, Jianwei Li, Xingjun Wang, Zhongwei Tan, Ruixuan Chen, Xinwei Deng, Ziyu Wang*

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Metals were for decades perceived as devoid of interesting optical properties that could be harnessed for optical components and devices. However, with the development of accurate nanofabrication techniques and precise control over architectural parameters, metals can be structured and characterized on the nanoscale. Metallic plasmonic nanomaterials exhibit a number of unique structural and optical properties, which offer the potential for developing new types of plasmonic devices. Here, we demonstrate a low-loss broadband polarizer based on a hybrid plasmonic fiber structure using metals as polarization-selective absorption materials. The polarization mechanism, design, fabrication, and characteristics of the plasmonic polarizers are investigated theoretically, numerically, and experimentally. The theoretical analysis predicts that the polarization-selective absorption with insensitivity to wavelength enables hybrid plasmonic fibers to function as broadband polarizers. Numerical simulations give the comparison of the polarization-selective absorption of various metallic nanomaterials (Ag, Au, In, Al, Cr) and show that aluminum is regarded as the optimum absorption material for the plasmonic polarizer. Experimental results show that through precise control over geometrical parameters, this device is capable of offering a high polarization extinction ratio (PER) of over 40 dB and a low insertion loss (IL) of less than 1.3 dB in the wavelength region of 810.1-870.0 nm. Compared with commercial birefringent-crystal-fiber polarizers, the plasmonic fiber polarizer has a better PER and IL bandwidth. These merits, combined with a compact and robust configuration, enable the plasmonic polarizer to have great potential in a broad range of applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)14718-14727
Number of pages10
JournalACS applied materials & interfaces
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2021


  • absorption materials
  • broadband polarizers
  • hybrid plasmonic fiber
  • metal-dielectric interfaces
  • metallic thin films
  • polarization extinction ratios


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Wang, X., Li, J., Wang, X., Tan, Z., Chen, R., Deng, X., & Wang, Z. (2021). Low-Loss Broadband Transverse Electric Pass Hybrid Plasmonic Fiber Polarizers Using Metallic Nanomaterials. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 13(12), 14718-14727. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c00212