Local Berry Phase Signatures of Bilayer Graphene in Intervalley Quantum Interference

Yu Zhang, Ying Su, Lin He

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31 Citations (Scopus)


Chiral quasiparticles in Bernal-stacked bilayer graphene have valley-contrasting Berry phases of ±2π. This nontrivial topological structure, associated with the pseudospin winding along a closed Fermi surface, is responsible for various novel electronic properties. Here we show that the quantum interference due to intervalley scattering induced by single-atom vacancies or impurities provides insights into the topological nature of the bilayer graphene. The scattered chiral quasiparticles between distinct valleys with opposite chirality undergo a rotation of pseudospin that results in the Friedel oscillation with wavefront dislocations. The number of dislocations reflects the information about pseudospin texture and hence can be used to measure the Berry phase. As demonstrated both experimentally and theoretically, the Friedel oscillation, depending on the single-atom vacancy or impurity at different sublattices, can exhibit N=4, 2, or 0 additional wavefronts, characterizing the 2π Berry phase of the bilayer graphene. Our results provide a comprehensive study of the intervalley quantum interference in bilayer graphene and can be extended to multilayer graphene, shedding light on the pseudospin physics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number116804
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2020
Externally publishedYes


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