Lateral-torsional coupled nonlinear dynamic modeling and analysis of vehicle gear transmission

Wang Cheng, Xiang Chang-Le*, Liu Hui, Ma Yue

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Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


A universal laternal-torsional coupled nonlinear dynamic model for different gears of vehicle gear transmission is proposed, which is applicable to most gear transmissions. The backlash, nonlinear time-varying mesh stiffness, mass eccentricities, profile errors and other nonlinear factors are included in the nonlinear gear mesh model. The nonlinear dynamic performances of ordinary gears and planetary gears under the idling condition are also considered aiming at simulating the gear rattle phenomenon. The lateral-torsional coupled nonlinear dynamic model of certain gearbox is derived based on the dynamic model of different components. The numerical simulation method is used to solve the coupled nonlinear dynamic equations. Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of certain gearbox under different working conditions are analyzed. The simulation results conclusively demonstrate that the single side impact and double side impact exist in vehicle gear transmission.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event35th FISITA World Automotive Congress, 2014 - Maastricht, Netherlands
Duration: 2 Jun 20146 Jun 2014


Conference35th FISITA World Automotive Congress, 2014


  • Gear transmission
  • Lateral-torsional coupled
  • Nonlinear
  • Vehicle


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Cheng, W., Chang-Le, X., Hui, L., & Yue, M. (2014). Lateral-torsional coupled nonlinear dynamic modeling and analysis of vehicle gear transmission. Paper presented at 35th FISITA World Automotive Congress, 2014, Maastricht, Netherlands.