Latency Versus Reliability in LEO Mega-Constellations: Terrestrial, Aerial, or Space Relay?

Gaofeng Pan, Jia Ye, Jianping An*, Mohamed Slim Alouini

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51 Citations (Scopus)


Large low earth orbit (LEO) mega-constellation systems have been designed and deployed as a global backbone to provide ubiquitous connectivity across the world. However, due to the high traffic load/congestion arising from the required numerous information relay/forwarding nodes, it is a challenge for LEO mega-constellation systems to set up long-distance connections between two remote terrestrial users for real-time communications, which requires strict low latency. Other than inter-LEO satellite links (ILSL), introducing third-party relays, such as terrestrial, aerial, and satellite relays, is an alternative way to improve the latency performance for wide-area deliveries of real-time traffic. However, the reliability of the transmitted signal will unavoidably degrade, because of the increased path-loss attributed to long-distance relaying transmissions. Then, to reveal the principle that the third-party relays affect the latency and reliability, in this work, an LEO satellite-terrestrial communication scenario is considered, in which two remote terrestrial users communicate with each other via an LEO mega-constellation system. Analysis models are built up to investigate the end-to-end time delay and outage performance while considering different ILSL, terrestrial, aerial, and satellite relay-assisted transmission scenarios. More specifically, by applying geometrical probability theory, exact/approximated closed-form analytical expressions have been derived for average time delay and outage probability under each case, while considering the randomness of the positions of the two terrestrial users and the relays. Finally, numerical results are presented to validate the proposed analytical models, as well as to compare the three relay assistance strategies in terms of time delay and outage probability.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5330-5345
Number of pages16
JournalIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2023


  • Aerial relay
  • geometrical probability
  • inter-satellite link
  • low earth orbit satellite
  • outage probability
  • satellite relay
  • satellite-terrestrial communication
  • terrestrial relay


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