Large-scale material extrusion-based additive manufacturing of short carbon fibre-reinforced silicon carbide ceramic matrix composite preforms

Wenqing Wang, Xiong Gao, Lu Zhang, Qingsong Ma, Suwen Li, Zengchan Li, Chujing Shen, Gang Wang*, Rujie He*

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Large-scale short carbon fibre-reinforced silicon carbide (Csf/SiC) ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) have important applications in the field of aerospace engineering. This study proposed the use of material extrusion based additive manufacturing to fabricate large-scale C sf/SiC CMC preforms. In this paper, we determined how the key material extrusion parameters, including solid loading, nozzle diameter and layer height impact the stability of the additively manufactured C sf/SiC CMCs. The solid loading significantly influenced the stability of the C sf/SiC CMCs, and the slurry with 50 vol.% solid loading was better for additive manufacturing. The layer height played a significant role in the void formation in CMCs. It was appropriate for structure retention to set the layer height as 60–75% of the nozzle diameter. The effect of angle from vertical on the stability of out-of-plane structure was also investigated. When the angle was over 40o, the out-of-plane structure additively manufactured without supports tended to collapse. Large-scale C sf/SiC CMC preforms with out-of-plane structures were finally successfully fabricated. This study is believed to provide some fundamental understanding for the fabrication of large-scale fibre-reinforced ceramic matrix composites.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2245801
JournalVirtual and Physical Prototyping
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Large-scale
  • additive manufacturing
  • ceramic matrix composites
  • material extrusion


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Wang, W., Gao, X., Zhang, L., Ma, Q., Li, S., Li, Z., Shen, C., Wang, G., & He, R. (2023). Large-scale material extrusion-based additive manufacturing of short carbon fibre-reinforced silicon carbide ceramic matrix composite preforms. Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 18(1), Article e2245801.