Large Room Temperature Negative Electrocaloric Effect in Novel Antiferroelectric PbHfO3Films

Xian Xiong Huang, Tian Fu Zhang, Rong Zhen Gao, Hou Bing Huang, Peng Zu Ge, Hui Tang, Xin Gui Tang*

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31 Citations (Scopus)


Extremely high temperature in a chip will severely affect the normal operation of electronic equipment; however, the traditional air conditioning cooling technology is unsuitable for integrated circuit cooling. It is necessary to develop convenient and high-efficiency cooling techniques. In this paper, PbHfO3 antiferroelectric (PHO AFE) film was fabricated by a sol-gel method and was first found to be a promising electrocaloric (EC) material with high temperature change (ΔT ∼-7.7 K) and acceptable EC strength (|ΔT/ΔE| ∼0.023 K cm kV-1) at room temperature. In addition to the negative EC effect (ECE), a large positive ECE can be observed at high temperature. The outstanding ECEs and their combination will make the PHO film one of the potential candidates for next-generation solid-state refrigeration. To understand the underlying physical mechanism for positive and negative ECEs in the PHO AFE film, a modified Ginzburg-Landau-Devonshire free-energy theory is adopted.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21331-21337
Number of pages7
JournalACS applied materials & interfaces
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 12 May 2021


  • Landau theory
  • PbHfO
  • antiferroelectric
  • electrocaloric effect
  • solid-state refrigeration


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