Information-Storage Expansion Enabled by a Resilient Aggregation-Induced-Emission-Active Nanocomposite Hydrogel

Gongmeiyue Su, Zhao Li*, Junyi Gong, Ruoyao Zhang, Rongji Dai, Yulin Deng, Ben Zhong Tang*

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35 Citations (Scopus)


Advanced materials with high performance and distinctive function are one of the main driving forces for the development of human society. The selection of appropriate materials and adequately utilizing their features to apply them in a specific area rationally are of great significance but remain challenging. Herein, an aggregation-induced emission (AIE)-active nanocomposite (NC) hydrogel is developed by introducing a pH-responsive AIE luminogen (AIEgen) into a Laponite XLS/polyacrylamide-based NC hydrogel (Laponite is a trademark of the company BYK Additives Ltd.). The AIEgen can protonate to interact with the negatively charged clay through the electrostatic interaction, which results in a drastic fluorescence enhancement due to the restriction of intramolecular motion by the rigid clay to the protonated AIEgen. This behavior facilitates the input of fluorescent information with a high contrast ratio in the hydrogel by acid stimulation. Moreover, by utilizing the excellent resilience of the hydrogel, hierarchically inputting and displaying the information in the original and stretched states of the hydrogel film is realized, which achieves information-storage expansion and dual-encryption via switching between stretching and restoring the film. This work showcases fully and synergistically utilizing the superiorities of various advanced materials to achieve superior applications and should guide the future development of advanced materials in emerging areas.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2207212
JournalAdvanced Materials
Issue number49
Publication statusPublished - 8 Dec 2022


  • aggregation-induced emission
  • dual-encryption
  • information-storage expansion
  • resilient nanocomposite hydrogels
  • stretching


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Su, G., Li, Z., Gong, J., Zhang, R., Dai, R., Deng, Y., & Tang, B. Z. (2022). Information-Storage Expansion Enabled by a Resilient Aggregation-Induced-Emission-Active Nanocomposite Hydrogel. Advanced Materials, 34(49), Article 2207212.