Influence of Total Inlet Temperature on Flow Combustion Characteristics of Combustor

Hao Zhang, Shengxi Jia, Mi Yan, Meng Huang

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


When air breathing hypersonic aircraft is flying in wide velocity range, the inflow conditions change greatly, which leads to the change of air flow conditions at the inlet of combustor and affects the flow and combustion characteristics of combustor. In view of the above problems, the combustion, turbulence, burning rate and mass transfer models suitable for the flow field calculation of scramjet combustor were selected, and the influence of different total temperature on the flow field characteristics of the optimized configuration of solid fuel scramjet combustor was studied. The results show that the change of the total inlet temperature has little influence on the combustion efficiency of the optimized combustor configuration. High total inflow temperature will cause the Mach number in the combustor to oscillate along the axial direction and increase the total pressure loss, but it will also increase the thrust of the combustor.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication11th International Symposium on Project Management, ISPM 2023
EditorsChangbo Cheng, Henry Zhang
PublisherAussino Academic Publishing House
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9781713877134
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Externally publishedYes
Event11th International Symposium on Project Management, ISPM 2023 - Beijing, China
Duration: 16 Jun 202317 Jun 2023

Publication series

Name11th International Symposium on Project Management, ISPM 2023


Conference11th International Symposium on Project Management, ISPM 2023


  • Combustor
  • Flow Combustion
  • Numerical Simulation
  • Solid Fuel Scramjet


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Zhang, H., Jia, S., Yan, M., & Huang, M. (2023). Influence of Total Inlet Temperature on Flow Combustion Characteristics of Combustor. In C. Cheng, & H. Zhang (Eds.), 11th International Symposium on Project Management, ISPM 2023 (pp. 78-87). (11th International Symposium on Project Management, ISPM 2023; Vol. 1). Aussino Academic Publishing House.