Influence of titanium addition on performance of boron-based thermites

Wanjun Zhao, Haiyang Wang, Dylan J. Kline, Xizheng Wang, Tao Wu, Jianbing Xu, Hui Ren, Michael R. Zachariah*

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28 Citations (Scopus)


Boron (B) is an attractive fuel for its high energy density, however, the native oxide shell retards boron ignition/combustion. In this study, nano titanium (nTi) powders were added into nano boron (nB)/copper oxide (CuO) and micron boron (µB)/CuO mixtures at various molar ratios. The reactivity for both nB/CuO and µB/CuO were increased significantly by ∼ 3–6 times with the addition of nTi. The possible mechanism for the enhanced reactivity have been investigated via the direct addition of the native oxide of titanium (TiO2). Enhancement in reactivity is partly attributed the interaction of TiO2 with the melting boron oxide (B2O3) shell. The TiO2/B2O3 mixture in non-liquid phase creates pathway for oxygen to diffuse and thus enhances the boron oxidation rate. In addition, the higher flame temperature due to reaction of Ti and CuO promotes the volatilization of B2O3 and melting of boron, resulting in faster reaction between B and CuO.

Original languageEnglish
Article number134837
JournalChemical Engineering Journal
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jun 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Boron
  • Reaction mechanism
  • Reactivity
  • Thermites
  • Titanium


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