Influence Model Design of National Culture in Shaping the Organisational Management Cultures: The Case between China and the USA

Yiwen Shi, Pingqing Liu*

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    This research topic investigates the inquiry on how national cultures shape the organisational management cultures. Similarities and differences between the national cultures of China and the USA are being scrutinised for the purpose to examine the impacts of such features on the management cultures and strategies of organizations located in these two main world financial centres so as to achieve a majority of data to confirm how national culture relates and assists to shape the organisational management. This research uses the data collection methods of non-governmental organizations, including the invitation of participants or volunteers via social media, working emails, and invitation letters, involving the issues such as designing human rights and privacy. The result has established that high mobilization of culture differences in the USA had a notable positive consequence on companies' organisational management culture. Alternatively, the Chinese cultures may bring some positive effect to the companies' culture, but it was only significant to shape management culture influence in their domestic companies, excluding most of the multinational companies. Moreover, the differences in national cultural characteristics will greatly affect each organisation to choose their own management strategies. Raising up for cross-cultural and transnational management will be a huge challenge for organizations to take, especially if countries wish to establish bilateral or trilateral business relations and partnerships.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number9451500
    JournalScientific Programming
    Publication statusPublished - 2022


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