Incorporating receiving waters responses into the framework of spatial optimization of LID-BMPs in plain river network region

Linyuan Leng, Changqing Xu*, Haifeng Jia, Qimeng Jia

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Citations (Scopus)


Deep insights into the receiving waters responses to optimal spatial allocation of LID-BMPs are considered extremely important. This study addressed the urgent need to incorporate receiving waters responses into the spatial allocation optimization of LID-BMPs and demonstrated the efficiency of the approach to guide watershed management. The integration of an overland-river coupling model and the NSGA-III algorithm resulted in the proposal of a general simulation-optimization framework for the optimal layout of LID-BMPs. The coupled model was swapped out for the surrogates to increase computational efficiency. When 40.71%, 36.06%, and 61.80% reductions in runoff volume, flood volume, and TP concentration are achieved, the newly proposed framework can save 34.44% and 16.31% cost compared to the approach that does not consider receiving waters responses and refined spatial allocation, respectively. Results indicate that the incorporation of receiving waters responses and refined spatial allocation are essential for the optimal design of LID-BMPs. This new framework offers the potential for more cost-effective high-cost solutions. The results of spatial optimization are significantly influenced by imperviousness.

Original languageEnglish
Article number119036
JournalWater Research
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • LID-BMPs
  • Receiving waters responses
  • Simulation-optimization
  • Spatial optimization


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