Implementation of MPC-Based Path Tracking for Autonomous Vehicles Considering Three Vehicle Dynamics Models with Different Fidelities

Shuping Chen*, Huiyan Chen, Dan Negrut

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29 Citations (Scopus)


Model predictive control (MPC) algorithm is established based on a mathematical model of a plant to forecast the system behavior and optimize the current control move, thus producing the best future performance. Hence, models are core to every form of MPC. An MPC-based controller for path tracking is implemented using a lower-fidelity vehicle model to control a higher-fidelity vehicle model. The vehicle models include a bicycle model, an 8-DOF model, and a 14-DOF model, and the reference paths include a straight line and a circle. In the MPC-based controller, the model is linearized and discretized for state prediction; the tracking is conducted to obtain the heading angle and the lateral position of the vehicle center of mass in inertial coordinates. The output responses are discussed and compared between the developed vehicle dynamics models and the CarSim model with three different steering input signals. The simulation results exhibit good path-tracking performance of the proposed MPC-based controller for different complexity vehicle models, and the controller with high-fidelity model performs better than that with low-fidelity model during trajectory tracking.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)386-399
Number of pages14
JournalAutomotive Innovation
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020


  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Model predictive control
  • Path tracking
  • Vehicle dynamics


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