Imaging formation algorithm of the ground and space-borne hybrid BiSAR based on parameters estimation from direct signal

Qingjun Zhang, Cheng Hu*, Lixin Wu, Tao Zeng, Teng Long

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3 Citations (Scopus)


This paper proposes a novel image formation algorithm for the bistatic synthetic aperture radar (BiSAR) with the configuration of a noncooperative transmitter and a stationary receiver in which the traditional imaging algorithm failed because the necessary imaging parameters cannot be estimated from the limited information from the noncooperative data provider. In the new algorithm, the essential parameters for imaging, such as squint angle, Doppler centroid, and Doppler chirp-rate, will be estimated by full exploration of the recorded direct signal (direct signal is the echo from satellite to stationary receiver directly) from the transmitter. The Doppler chirp-rate is retrieved by modeling the peak phase of direct signal as a quadratic polynomial. The Doppler centroid frequency and the squint angle can be derived from the image contrast optimization. Then the range focusing, the range cell migration correction (RCMC), and the azimuth focusing are implemented by secondary range compression (SRC) and the range cell migration, respectively. At last, the proposed algorithm is validated by imaging of the BiSAR experiment configured with china YAOGAN 10 SAR as the transmitter and the receiver platform located on a building at a height of 109 m in Jiangsu province. The experiment image with geometric correction shows good accordance with local Google images.

Original languageEnglish
Article number294306
JournalMathematical Problems in Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 2014


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Zhang, Q., Hu, C., Wu, L., Zeng, T., & Long, T. (2014). Imaging formation algorithm of the ground and space-borne hybrid BiSAR based on parameters estimation from direct signal. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, Article 294306.