Identification and control for singularly perturbed systems using multitime-scale neural networks

Dongdong Zheng, Wen Fang Xie*, Xuemei Ren, Jing Na

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38 Citations (Scopus)


Many well-established singular perturbation theories for singularly perturbed systems require the full knowledge of system model parameters. In order to obtain an accurate and faithful model, a new identification scheme for singularly perturbed nonlinear system using multitime-scale recurrent high-order neural networks (NNs) is proposed in this paper. Inspired by the optimal bounded ellipsoid algorithm, which is originally designed for discrete-time systems, a novel weight updating law is developed for continuous-time NNs identification process. Compared with other widely used gradient-descent updating algorithms, this new method can achieve faster convergence, due to its adaptively adjusted learning rate. Based on the identification results, a control scheme using singular perturbation theories is developed. By using singular perturbation methods, the system order is reduced, and the controller structure is simplified. The closed-loop stability is analyzed and the convergence of system states is guaranteed. The effectiveness of the identification and the control scheme is demonstrated by simulation results.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7373631
Pages (from-to)321-333
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2017


  • Feedback control
  • Optimal bounded ellipsoid (OBE)
  • Recurrent high-order neural network (RHONN)
  • Singularly perturbed system (SPS)


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