Hybrid pulse-width-modulation-based simultaneous wireless laser information and power transfer system using PWM sampling

Yunshi Wang, Changming Zhao*, Liwei Zhang, Zilong Zhang, Haiyang Zhang

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4 Citations (Scopus)


Simultaneous wireless laser information and power transfer can be widely used in the Internet-of-Things and energy Internet power supply systems to improve system performance. Herein, a hybrid pulse width modulation (PWM)-based simultaneous wireless laser information and power transfer system using PWM sampling is proposed and is investigated theoretically and experimentally. The output voltage of the receiver is adjusted based on the duty cycle of the PWM loaded on the laser diodes at the transmitter. Communication is achieved by leveraging sampling of the PWM by loading a modulation disturbance on the modulation wave of the PWM generator. An output voltage of 1.5 V, output power of up to 0.75 W, and communication rate of up to 10 kbps are achieved in the proposed system. The system can be applied in one-to-many transmissions of power and signals in microgrid power supply systems, in which signals and power can be loaded on the direct current bus through the proposed system node, such that the signals and power can be transmitted to each powered node without additional signal conditioning, modulation, or coupling. The proposed system can thus enhance the interference immunity of communication subsystems, as well as the simplicity, and safety of power transfer subsystems.

Original languageEnglish
Article number128232
JournalOptics Communications
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2022


  • Hybrid pulse-width modulation
  • One-to-many transmission
  • PWM sampling
  • Power transfer
  • Simultaneous wireless laser information


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