High Entropy Enabling the Reversible Redox Reaction of V4+/V5+ Couple in NASICON-Type Sodium Ion Cathode

Meng Li, Chen Sun, Qing Ni, Zheng Sun, Yang Liu, Yang Li, Lei Li, Haibo Jin*, Yongjie Zhao*

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NASICON-type Na3VM(PO4)3 (M: transition metals) cathodes usually suffer from poor cycling stability in the voltage region of above 4 V versus Na+/Na owing to irreversible phase transition and severe structural distortion. Herein, the high entropy concept is extended to NASICONs and Na3VAl0.2Cr0.2Fe0.2In0.2Ga0.2(PO4)3 (NVMP) with high purity is obtained. The NVMP achieves a highly reversible specific capacity of 102 mAh g−1 (2.5–4.4 V vs Na+/Na) via the successive redox reaction of V3+/V4+/V5+ together with a long-term lifespan of 5000 cycles at 20 C (a capacity retention of 86.8%). Even at an extreme temperature of −20 °C, the NVMP cathode can still provide excellent cycling performance (a capacity retention of 94.2% at 5 C after 1000 cycles). Moreover, the increased configurational entropy in the electrode renders a quite small cell volume change of 1.1%. The sodium ion storage mechanism containing solid solution-type in the voltage range of 2.5–3.8 V and bi-phasic in 3.8–4.4 V is revealed by ex situ XRD analysis. Pairing with a hard carbon anode, NVMP//HC cell offers a specific capacity of 81 mAh g−1 at 0.2 C based on the cathode mass. This high-entropy engineering is expected to be widely applicable for the development of polyanionic electrode materials.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2203971
JournalAdvanced Energy Materials
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 24 Mar 2023


  • cycling stability
  • high-entropy cathodes
  • sodium-ion batteries


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Li, M., Sun, C., Ni, Q., Sun, Z., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Li, L., Jin, H., & Zhao, Y. (2023). High Entropy Enabling the Reversible Redox Reaction of V4+/V5+ Couple in NASICON-Type Sodium Ion Cathode. Advanced Energy Materials, 13(12), Article 2203971. https://doi.org/10.1002/aenm.202203971