Hidden conditional random field-based equalizer for the 3D-CAP-64 transmission of OAM mode-division multiplexed ring-core fiber communication

Yi Cui, Ran Gao*, Qi Zhang, Yongjun Wang, Jie Liu, Fei Wang, Qi Xu, Zhipei Li, Lei Zhu, Huan Chang, Dong Guo, Sitong Zhou, Fu Wang, Xiaolong Pan, Ze Dong, Qinghua Tian, Feng Tian, Xin Huang, Jinghao Yan, Lin JiangXiangjun Xin

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As a key technique for achieving ultra-high capacity optical fiber communications, orbital angular momentum (OAM) mode-division multiplexing (MDM) is affected by severe nonlinear impairments, including modulation related nonlinearities, square-law nonlinearity and mode-coupling-induced nonlinearity. In this paper, an equalizer based on a hidden conditional random field (HCRF) is proposed for the nonlinear mitigation of OAM-MDM optical fiber communication systems with 20 GBaud three-dimensional carrierless amplitude and phase modulation-64 (3D-CAP-64) signals. The HCRF equalizer extracts the stochastic nonlinear feature of the OAM-MDM 3D-CAP-64 signals by estimating the conditional probabilities of the hidden variables, thereby enabling the signals to be classified into subclasses of constellation points. The nonlinear impairment can then be mitigated based on the statistical probability distribution of the hidden variables of the OAM-MDM transmission channel in the HCRF equalizer. Our experimental results show that compared with a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based equalizer, the proposed HCRF equalizer improves the receiver sensitivity by 2 dB and 1 dB for the two OAM modes used here, with l = + 2 and l = + 3, respectively, at the 7% forward error correction (FEC) threshold. When compared with a Volterra nonlinear equalizer (VNE) and CNN-based equalizer, the computational complexity of the proposed HCRF equalizer was found to be reduced by 30% and 41%, respectively. The bit error ratio (BER) performance and reduction in computational complexity indicate that the proposed HCRF equalizer has great potential to mitigate nonlinear distortions in high-speed OAM-MDM fiber communication systems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)28747-28763
Number of pages17
JournalOptics Express
Issue number18
Publication statusPublished - 28 Aug 2023


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Cui, Y., Gao, R., Zhang, Q., Wang, Y., Liu, J., Wang, F., Xu, Q., Li, Z., Zhu, L., Chang, H., Guo, D., Zhou, S., Wang, F., Pan, X., Dong, Z., Tian, Q., Tian, F., Huang, X., Yan, J., ... Xin, X. (2023). Hidden conditional random field-based equalizer for the 3D-CAP-64 transmission of OAM mode-division multiplexed ring-core fiber communication. Optics Express, 31(18), 28747-28763. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.495146