Heterogeneous Oxygen-Containing Species Formed via Oxygen or Water Dissociative Adsorption onto a Gallium Phosphide Surface

Xueqiang Zhang, Sylwia Ptasinska*

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22 Citations (Scopus)


Interactions of O2 or H2O with a GaP(111) surface were investigated over wide ranges of pressure and temperature using near-ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. We demonstrated the formation of several oxygen-containing species from the dissociative adsorption of gas-phase molecules onto GaP(111). Chemical evolutions were determined at the gas/semiconductor interfaces based on changes in the high-resolution photoelectron spectra, which allowed us to identify the final products formed either directly or through intermediate species. We then used the Ga 2p3/2 spectra to create maps of the relative abundances of surface oxides and hydroxyl groups present under various experimental conditions. In the case of the O2/GaP(111) interface, we detected Ga-P bonds, and various oxygen-containing species, i.e., Ga2O, Ga2O3, and GaPOm. In the case of the H2O/GaP(111) interface, in addition to the detection of Ga-P bonds, species were formed with a different extent of oxidation and hydroxylation, On-Ga-(OH)3-n, via a Ga2O-like intermediate species. In both cases, the co-existence of multiple species represented as (GaPO)A or (GaPOH)B, was displayed under specific conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)564-573
Number of pages10
JournalTopics in Catalysis
Issue number5-7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • Gallium phosphide
  • Gas/solid interface
  • Near-ambient pressure XPS
  • Surface oxidation


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Zhang, X., & Ptasinska, S. (2016). Heterogeneous Oxygen-Containing Species Formed via Oxygen or Water Dissociative Adsorption onto a Gallium Phosphide Surface. Topics in Catalysis, 59(5-7), 564-573. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11244-015-0526-2