Halogen Bonding: A New Platform for Achieving Multi-Stimuli-Responsive Persistent Phosphorescence

Wenbo Dai, Xiaowei Niu, Xinghui Wu, Yue Ren, Yongfeng Zhang, Gengchen Li, Han Su, Yunxiang Lei, Jiawen Xiao, Jianbing Shi, Bin Tong, Zhengxu Cai*, Yuping Dong

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169 Citations (Scopus)


Monotonous luminescence has always been a major factor limiting the application of organic room-temperature phosphorescence (RTP) materials. Enhancing and regulating the intermolecular interactions between the host and guest is an effective strategy to achieve excellent phosphorescence performance. In this study, intermolecular halogen bonding (CN⋅⋅⋅Br) was introduced into the host–guest RTP system. The interaction promoted intersystem crossing and stabilized the triplet excitons, thus helping to achieve strong phosphorescence emission. In addition, the weak intermolecular interaction of halogen bonding is sensitive to external stimuli such as heat, mechanical force, and X-rays. Therefore, the triplet excitons were easily quenched and colorimetric multi-stimuli responsive behaviors were realized, which greatly enriched the luminescence functionality of the RTP materials. This method provides a new platform for the future design of responsive RTP materials based on weak intermolecular interactions between the host and guest molecules.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere202200236
JournalAngewandte Chemie - International Edition
Issue number13
Publication statusPublished - 21 Mar 2022


  • Halogen Bonding
  • Host–Guest Systems
  • Multi-Stimuli-Responsive Luminescence
  • Radioluminescence
  • Room-Temperature Phosphorescence
  • Weak Intermolecular Interactions


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