Fuzzy control method to minimize the needle deflection during needle insertion therapy

Shao Hua Zhang*, Xin Jin, Xin Ye, Zhi Jing Zhang, Bing Bing Liu, Yong Jun Deng

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A fuzzy control algorithm is adopted to help the needle hit the target more accurately. The experimental setup for the needle insertion is built up to validate the algorithm. How the forces during the insertion make the needle deflect away from the planned path is given, and the normal method correcting the deflection is obtained accordingly. Because the normal method cannot perform well for correction, a fuzzy controller is established. The input module, output module, fuzzification module, defuzzification module and inference engine for the controller are given respectively according to the fuzzy theory. Our experimental results show that the fuzzy controlling system presenting in the paper can better eliminate the deflection.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)477-482
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition)
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2013


  • Force feedback
  • Fuzzy control
  • Needle deflection
  • Needle insertion


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Zhang, S. H., Jin, X., Ye, X., Zhang, Z. J., Liu, B. B., & Deng, Y. J. (2013). Fuzzy control method to minimize the needle deflection during needle insertion therapy. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition), 22(4), 477-482.