Fredholm complements of upper triangular operator matrices

Sinan Qiu, Lining Jiang*

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1 Citation (Scopus)


For a given operator pair (A,B)∈(B(H),B(K)), we denote by MC the operator acting on a complex infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space H⊕K of the form MC=(AC0B). This paper focuses on the Fredholm complement problems of MC. Namely, via the operator pair (A, B), we look for an operator C∈B(K,H) such that MC is Fredholm of finite ascent with nonzero nullity. As an application, we initiate the concept of the property (C) as a variant of Weyl’s theorem. At last, the stability of property (C) for 2×2 upper triangular operator matrices is investigated by the virtue of the so-called entanglement spectra of the operator pair (A, B).

Original languageEnglish
Article number30
JournalBanach Journal of Mathematical Analysis
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024


  • Fredholm operators
  • Operator matrices
  • Property (C)
  • Spectrum


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