Fragmentation behavior of large-caliber PELE impacting RHA plate at low velocity

Mo ang Lei, Hai fu Wang, Qing bo Yu*, Yuan feng Zheng

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Impact experiments of large-caliber PELE with various inner-outer diameter ratio perforating RHA plate at low velocity were performed. Experimental results showed the size of perforated holes on plate, average diameter of damage area on witness plate, and number of behind-armor fragments will increase as d/D increasing from 0.72 to 0.84. Expansion and fragmentation of large-caliber PELE in this condition were also numerically studied with ANSYS Autodyn. Then, an analytical model accounting for an additional radial shock wave was presented to predict radial expansion velocity and fragmentation of jacket, as well as an empirical approach to estimate diameter of damage area. Calculation results by these approaches were in good agreement with experiments and numerical simulations. Further discussion revealed that Shock/rarefaction wave interactions behavior varying with inner-outer diameter ratio is an important mechanism resulting in different lateral effect by PELE projectiles with various configurations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)912-922
Number of pages11
JournalDefence Technology
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2019


  • Behind-armor fragments
  • Enhanced lateral effect
  • PELE
  • Penetration mechanics


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